Hola, que gusto saludarles de nuevo.
De gran valor para la implementación correcta de cualquier plan de Diversidad e Inclusión, LA COMUNICACIÓN tanto interna como externa.
Esta semana, les comparto articulo breve que toca el tema de forma muy ejecutiva. La comunicación estimula los mejores resultados y promueve acciones de impacto.
External Communications.
To maximize a company’s ability to attract qualified individuals with disabilities, it is important to
communicate its commitment to employing individuals with disabilities and an inclusive and diverse
work environment to the public, including subcontractors and vendors. Examples of successful
external communication strategies and practices include:
1. Including individuals with visible disabilities when employees are pictured in consumer,
promotional, or “help wanted” advertising.
2. Sponsoring and participating in job fairs that target job seekers with disabilities.
3. Informing disability organizations about career days, youth motivation/mentoring programs,
and related community activities sponsored by the company.
4. Sending information about relevant company policies and priorities to subcontractors, vendors,
and suppliers and requesting their support, and, when feasible, requiring it contractually.
5. Communicating with union officials and/or employee representatives to inform them of
the company’s policies and seek their cooperation, if the company is a party to a collective
bargaining agreement.
6. Posting the company’s policy statements regarding inclusion and reasonable accommodations,
special recruitment and hiring initiatives, and targeted internship, mentoring, and shadowing
programs on its public website.
Internal Communications
Strong external communication strategies and outreach and recruitment initiatives will be
more effective if they are accompanied by internal support from supervisory and management
personnel and are understood by co-workers, some of whom may have had only limited contact
with individuals with disabilities. Internal communication and other strategies targeting managers,
supervisors, and co-workers can foster awareness, acceptance, and support among all levels of staff
within the company. Examples of successful internal communication strategies and practices include
the following:
Establishing a disability employee resource group (ERG) aligned with the company’s diversity
program and composed of existing employees with disabilities and employees with family
members or friends with disabilities. The purpose of this group should include helping to identify
policies and procedures that support a positive work environment for persons with disabilities.
2. Publicizing the company’s commitment in its internal publications (e.g., intranet, employee
3.Conducting special meetings, orientations, and training programs with executives, management,
supervisory personnel, union officials, and employee representatives to communicate the
commitment of the company and its leadership to fostering an inclusive corporate culture and
work environment.
4. Including images of employees with disabilities in employee handbooks and other internal
publications that feature photographs of employees.
5.Ensuring that people with disabilities are among those represented in the company’s decision-
making bodies, including the board of directors.
6. Establishing a policy that all managers and supervisors share responsibility for the successful
implementation of the company’s inclusion policy and ensuring that they are held accountable
through their performance evaluation plans.
7.As part of the company’s employee assistance program (EAP), adopting disability management
and prevention programs, with the goal that workers who become injured on the job remain part
of the workforce.
8.Adopting a recognition and awards program acknowledging individuals responsible for achieving
progress and positive outcomes related to disability employment.
9.Including disability-friendly policies regarding internal communications and information
dissemination in the employer’s policy manual and employee handbook
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